Sunday, September 18, 2011

Why is it so hard...?

Why is it so hard to date?
Have you ever thought about that?
Well, here's my thoughts on this subject.

I feel like men have to play this game. Like you're some sort of object that they can do whatever they want. Which, in my opinion, is not ok!! Women are precious, gentle, kind, loving, fragile. We have feelings and emotions. And when those are toyed with or just thrown around, our confidence falls and/or is shattered! But here's the catch. WE LET THEM! Why do we let them do that?? What is it in our mentality that's allows them to take over? Well let me tell you.
We feel like if we do all we can to possibly impress them or say anything they wanna hear then they'll want us around. But sometimes we need to tell them flat out NO! When you tell them no, it's almost like they have a bigger respect for you. But do we want to tell them no?? Of course not! Why would we ever say no to someone we want to be with more than anything! Well, I've come to find that telling them no keeps them around. But eventually, it doesn't last. They break your heart and go somewhere else to find someone who is going to give in. You may cry and Get hurt but it'll take the right girl to change a man. That's what I have learned. Crazy right?? Well, it makes perfect sense to me. Maybe, hopefully, I'll one day be the right girl for someone. We can only hope. And my motto is it'll happen when it happens. In the mean time, live life to the fullest! :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Long time coming...

Well folks, it's been a while! I know, I know, I slacked big time!

Well, I just happen to be getting over the wretched strep throat. It was horrid.
BUT! I will tell you that it has been the best break from work ever. No offense to my lovelies there but I was gettin worn out. I think that's why I got sick....

Anyway, moving on!

WHAT do you do when you feel like you were over something and then all of a sudden it's slapped you in the face and you're back where you started?? I'm not sure how I feel about this. ALL I know is that I've just wanted to scream my guts out, but haven't because I'm not exactly in a secluded area... haha.

What I need is my temple day. But it was postponed this week.. If you know what I mean. HA! Stupid..

SO! This week while I was sicker than ever on my couch, I watched 5 movies. :)
They were:

1. Disney's Prom.
2. Justin Bieber: Never Say Never.
3. Waiting For Forever.
4. Country Strong.
5. How do you know?

All excellent films. Definitely my taste :) I recommend them! I sobbed like a baby in waiting for forever. THAT movie was a heart-wrencher! for sure! It was definitely a great one. How do you know is probably the theme movie of my life at this point! SO great. The others were merely entertainment. I'm not a picky movie watcher except for the fact I can't stand scary movies. Those just aren't my cup of tea. haha.

That's all for today, everyone! Thanks for reading!