Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Well peeps, sorry it's been so long!!! The recent news is this. 


He is the best boyfriend ever. His name is Adam Zenger. I just have to brag about him because he's a little too good to be true. I'm very blessed to have met him through one of my best friends, Tessa! He is her cousin. HA! Nice hook ups huh? ;) I've been told he's the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome, which I definitely agree with. He treats me like a queen! He puts me first and asks what I wanna do. (which he always ends up picking because he's pretty picky. Haha.) 

One thing I love most about him is his worthiness and his priesthood. I was able to witness him help give my baby sister a blessing. It was just a confirmation that it is SO important to be worthy and able to use that priesthood whenever called upon. It's definitely a blessing, knowing that I'll have that in my own home someday! 

One of my favorite things about Adam is how he can make me laugh whenever! It seriously is the best to just laugh and laugh. He does it so well! We balance each other out well. But we are very very competitive. Which can get us into trouble. I definitely love him with all of my heart. He's my babe, my best friend, my forever. I'm excited to see what else he brings to the table. He never stops surprising me! 

XOXO, Shannon

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Special Announcement :)

Hey there everyone,
I have a special announcement to make. And so, I've decided to share it with all of you.

I have decided to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. :) 

I'm very excited about this decision. I know it's the right thing for me at this time. I love this gospel so much that I'm willing to go serve! I'm starting my mission papers with in the next week or so. I hope to have your support and love while I'm gone. I love each and everyone of you very much. I can't wait to get out there!

Love, Shan

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I wish I could really express the feelings that are rushing through my veins at this very moment. All of the pain, sorrow, happiness, numbness, love, etc. It goes on and on. I can't help but feel happiness and gratitude for the family and friends I posses. Sorrow, for those I care about who make dumb decisions. The pain inside my body is excruciating, but I wouldn't know what to feel without it. The numbness because I can't help but love a boy who will never love me back. So, I try to block him out by not feeling anything at all toward him. 
I have never felt so many emotions at once, as much as I have lately. It's definitely something I can hardly really express without letting all the details out. But that isn't happening anytime soon. So don't count on it, folks.
There are some things in lif
e and love that aren't fair. Like you can't make the person you love, love you back. Sometimes what you go to school for isn't what you're gonna end up doing. When you feel utterly betrayed, but know that the situation is entirely out of your hands. It's not your decision to make. When you can't make someone love the gospel as much as you. When you can't make them live the gospel and have it completely in their life in it's fullness. But that's why we have agency. I can't make them do these things. They have to want it. But it doesn't make me want it for them any less.
This post may not make any sense to anyone else but me. And that's completely fine with me! I just needed to vent. Everywhere else seemed too public. And so I vent here. I hope you don't mind.

Things that I love: Sunshine, giraffes, Taco Amigo, talking to my mom about everything, hugs, mowing the lawn.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Sometimes I wish he would love me forever. Do anything he could to do the right thing, so he can be with me.  I wish he would want to be with me... But what is this all? 

Just some wishful thinking.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

What do you do?

What do you do when you can't make a person see their full potential?
What do you do when they don't follow through with promises?
What do you do when you cry yourself to sleep?
What do you do?

You pray. Pray hard and long. Put it into God's hands and He'll do what he can. 

Monday, March 26, 2012


I have the most amazing bosses ever right now. They really care about is and actually talk to us and even work with us when they come into the store! Which is really something. Today I finally heard the news that Nick sold his part of the company to the owner Matt. This made me really sad! I have loved working with Nick Rhodes and I wish him well in his endeavors with his family. He's made an impact on me as well as my other co-workers. We've been blessed to know him.

Another person who I've gotten to know really well is my friend but also my manager Danny LaLumia or as I like to call him, Daniel or Danny Lala. :) He sincerely cares about my well being. He's been going through a tough time and just knowing that I've helped him is a great blessing. He's even helped me in his hard times too. He's so genuine. Which is why I can definitely count on him! He's one of my best friends. I can say that and mean it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


What are they really? Your wants? Is your subconscious telling you something about your life? If one person keeps appearing in your dreams, does that mean something? So many questions. I don't know if anyone can answer them for me.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


You know that feeling when you go from having a lot of friends to almost no friends? It's a hard feeling. Especially when you start to feel invisible to all but your family and maybe one or two other people.

When you count on someone and they are your only source of security or happiness, and they disappear, or get too lazy to talk to you, or ignore you. It hurts. The one person you thought you could count on... Vanished.

I guess I've finally understood what it means to feel invisible. And it's rough.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

You win.

You can have my friends, you can do whatever you want. But leave ME alone. Don't spread rumors. Don't make up lies. Just live your life, and I'll live mine.

Friday, February 17, 2012


So... you're on my mind all day. It's fine :) haha. I could talk about you all day too! I already talk TO you all day. I think this potentially could be the best thing yet. It's almost been a month that we've talked everyday. 3 days til that mark. Let's keep it going, shall we? I hope so.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

This love is OURS...

Well, this song has to be my complete and utter favorite right now.

I don't even really know how to explain why, or what makes it my favorite. But it just makes me feel good inside. I hope to be in love one day. So I think because I hope to relate, is why I'm such a fan of it.

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine, and life makes love look hard.... the stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

i just can't help it...

I'm a hopeless romantic... I love, love stories and everything about love! I just do..

So this one time...

I wish I had my own car... But will my parents let me on their car insurance? Nope...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

British Accents.

I want one. SO. BAD. I can't help it! I love everything about England, and the culture there! It's my dream to go there and IMMERSE myself in everything there. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. So, yesterday me and "J. Anderson the third" haha. aka Jes, were driving around talking like we were from the very place. His English name is Preston Witherby and mine is Jane McClintock. You see me and him have a way with our accents. (I'm still learning how to say all my words in that accent because you see, I'm just not very good at it.) BUT, none the less, I love it still. Anyway, when we started talking in this so called accents, we talked like that for a good hour or two. Once I got to my dear house I walked inside and was still talking like it! I tried to stop but it just sounded funny! I didn't want to. It was the best. I can't wait to live there and gain that. :) I want to go today. Right now. But, I cannot. Which is a little depressing. I'll get there eventually tho. I will.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pinterest... :)

I'm in love with Pinterest. I can't get enough of it! My latest focus on Pinterest, though, is Interior Design. I really think that's something I could see myself doing!! I love it. The colors, the arrangements, the styles of houses, etc. I took it in high school and really loved the class. So this is where my mindset is at! I'm definitely excited about it.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

under construction.

sorry folks... my blog isnt very pretty. it's under construction for the moment, and will be up and running soon.